My guys work 12 hour shifts.  2 days on, 2 days off, 3 days on, 2 days off, 2 
on 3 off.  The three days on is always friday-sunday so every other weekend 
they either have a 3 day weekend or 3 days of work.

In a pay period, with 30 minute lunch per shift it comes to 80.5 hours.  I keep 
my guys on the same shifts for consistancy.


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-----Original message-----
From: Steven Bellovin <>
Cc: NANOG <>,
Sent: Mon, Apr 18, 2011 04:12:04 GMT+00:00
Subject: Re: 365x24x7

On Apr 17, 2011, at 11:47 20PM, Frank Bulk wrote:

> Timely article on the FAA's involvement with sleep schedules:
>       "Union spokesman Doug Church said up to now, 25 percent of 
>       the nation's air traffic controllers work what he called a 
>       "2-2-1″ schedule, working afternoon to night the first two 
>       days, followed by a mandatory minimum of eight hours for 
>       rest before starting two morning-to-afternoon shifts, 
>       another eight or more hours for sleep, then a final shift 
>       starting between 10 p.m. to midnight.
>       "Maybe we need to work in more time for rest," Church said.
>       "You’re forcing yourself to work at a time when the body is
>       used to sleeping."

Also see

        "People who change shifts every few days are going to have all
        kinds of problems related to memory and learning, Fishbein said.
        This kind of schedule especially affects what he called
        relational memories, which involve the ability to understand
        how one thing is related to another.


        "Controllers are often scheduled for a week of midnight shifts 
        followed by a week of morning shifts and then a week on swing
        shifts. This pattern, sleep scientists say, interrupts the body's
        natural sleep cycles."

                --Steve Bellovin,

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