On Apr 11, 2011, at 4:10 PM, Jeroen van Aart wrote:

> http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20336-internet-probe-can-track-you-down-to-within-690-metres.html
> "The new method zooms in through three stages to locate a target computer. 
> The first stage measures the time it takes to send a data packet to the 
> target and converts it into a distance – a common geolocation technique that 
> narrows the target's possible location to a radius of around 200 kilometres.
> (..)
> Finally, they repeat the landmark search at this more fine-grained level: 
> comparing delay times once more, they establish which landmark server is 
> closest to the target. The result can never be entirely accurate, but it's 
> much better than trying to determine a location by converting the initial 
> delay into a distance or the next best IP-based method. On average their 
> method gets to within 690 metres of the target and can be as close as 100 
> metres – good enough to identify the target computer's location to within a 
> few streets."
> It seems to me to be a rather flaky way of finding out your estimated 
> location. But I guess it could be helpful when the objective is just to 
> create some global database of demographics for marketing and privacy 
> invasion purposes, where specifics of an individual's exact location don't 
> really matter.

The idea is to have finer and finer grained locations based on RTTs and a dense 
mesh of "landmark routers." 
Of course, if you were using a tunnel or proxy that took N msec of delay, the 
best they could say is that you were N msec from the tunnel endpoint. 

It would also be easy to institute something like the old GPS selective 
availability, with a software tunnel randomly adding a variable 
delay (say, varying by up to 50 msec every 100 seconds).


> Besides the latter can always be subpoenaed. ;-)
> One more reason to use VPN and other such techniques to hide your location.
> Greetings,
> Jeroen
> -- 
> http://goldmark.org/jeff/stupid-disclaimers/
> http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/faq/plural-of-virus.html

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