
Have a Cisco 3560 running "flash:/c3560-ipbasek9-mz.122-55.SE1.bin".  Been
running at 20% CPU since we started it:

[image: plf-access - CPU Usage]

The switch is completely layer-2... basic configuration.  CPU utilization is
soley based on a single process:

plf-access#sh proc cpu sorted
CPU utilization for five seconds: 27%/0%; one minute: 25%; five minutes: 24%
 PID Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
  41   232891470   1072247     217210 20.12% 18.99% 18.01%   0 SFF8472

  78     2376721    123621      19225  0.95%  0.22%  0.17%   0 HULC Tcam
 303         299       163       1834  0.47%  0.23%  0.07%   2 SSH Process

  55      106535  11303527          9  0.15%  0.02%  0.00%   0 RedEarth Tx

Anybody have a clue what this process is?

Thanks for the time.


Joe Renwick
IP Network Consultant, CCIE #16465
Direct: 619-800-2055, Emergency Support: 800-719-0504
Is your network moving you forward?

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