----- Original Message -----
> From: "Leo Bicknell" <bickn...@ufp.org>

> Having looked around the world I personally believe most communities
> would be best served if the government provided layer-1 distribution,
> possibly with some layer 2 switching, but then allowed any commercial
> entity to come in and offer layer 3 services. For simplicity of
> argument I like people to envision the local government fiber agency
> (like your water authority) dropping off a 1 port fiber 4 port
> copper switch in your basement. On that device they can create a
> layer 2 VLAN/VPN/Tunnel from any of the copper ports to any provider
> in the town CO. You could buy video from one, voice from one, and
> internet from another, on three different ports. You could buy
> everything from one provider.


-- jra

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