On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 08:13:46PM -0500, Benson Schliesser wrote:
> It's obvious that ARIN, as well as other whois database providers,
> should pay attention to the proceedings.  But under what premise
> might ARIN act as a party to this lawsuit?
The proper question might be that if neither NNI nor MS nor the 
middlemen believed ARIN to be a relevant party, why would they have 
bothered sending notification to them?  Perhaps it has something to 
do with one of the many points their 5% fee being hinged upon "the 
Internet Assets are successfully registered in the name of that 
buyer, along with the successful registration of related address 

I presume fulfilling the first part if why Addrex/Denuo are trying 
to pitch Depository as an something more than just another IRR node
(the second part), and notifying ARIN was just hedging their bets.  

But looping ARIN in could be interpreted as inviting them in...



             RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

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