BL99576 SR04 SBL100272 SR02 > IDEAR4BUSINESS (trademark fraud replicas spammers) > Trademark fraud replicas & knock-offs advertised in spam. (was SBL99180, > also SBL99576)
- trademarks are not valid in china - chinese law applies to the customer's services - no evidence of fraud - no evidence of spamming (also, judistiction thingy). "Partners of "AS34109/AS51787 (CB3ROB)" - not a partner, a downstream transit customer, that just so happens to be on AS34109 for now as they lack their own (for now ;) - the /23 seems to overlap with the /24... there may be 2 reasons for this 1: the customer seems to have added 2 /24 "delegations' on his -PI- space in the RIPE database, which, isn't supposed to be possible with PI space anyway, nontheless, that happened ;) 2: they are indeed announced as 2 seperate /24's most of the time (incoming ddos attack "migitation") -IF- spamming -really- would be going on, from these ranges or to these ranges, you are ofcourse free to list those, and only those: IDEAR4BUSINESS Media Entertainment Guide Media Entertainment Guide Media Entertainment Guide and whatever is behind AS56512 (no idea, several prefixes on several ASNs)) these are the only listings for which spamhaus seems to have -any- reason whatsoever, despite that for these listings as well, all the evidence is lacking and there are merely a few unbased claims and some whois outputs to "support" them. (and usually they even got the whois/prefix lenght wrong, or added it to the wrong company's "case"... ;) All of the above listings are ISPs themselves, and usually don't have anything to do with the hosted content. as for the AS56512 thingy, no idea what your problem is with them, its not like we can make it up from your listings besides you calling everyone 'spammers' and 'frauders' and replica rolex sellers or partners thereof (including us!), none of which is supplied with any evidence, police reports, or court convictions. Now, its really quite easy, we WILL NOT DISCONNECT any customers just because spamhaus tries to blackmail us into doing so by adding: SBL105802 (PCCF, a company in which the cyberbunker-group holds the majority of shares) SBL105804 (PCCF, a company in which the cyberbunker-group holds the majority of shares) SBL105803 ZYZTM research #10 B.V. (part of the cyberbunker-group) These ranges are used solely for research and development of new internet protocols. (including one to replace that dusty old spam-infested smtp crap of yours ;) SBL99505 (entire PA space of ours) SBL105813 (?) SBL105806 (?) No idea why you'd list the entire PA space while all customers are clearly marked in whois, it's PA space, you're SUPPOSED to delegate it to different customers, after which, its up to the customers. well, except for that you clearly are trying to blackmail us into disconnecting customers without getting a court order or even providing evidence of any of your claims. if blacklisting won't work if you do it for the actual prefix that's "causing" it (according to your claims) it also won't work for larger prefixes or completely non-related prefixes, therefore, thats nothing more or less than just blackmail, and very childish. let's just say that port 25/tcp traffic is mainly incoming... ;) except for the occasional invoice going out... spamhaus is ofcourse absolutely free to list spammers, spamhaus is not free to "make things up" and blackmail carriers and calling third parties 'criminals' and what not. as a european provider, we have no liability whatsoever for what customers do or do not do, all or most of our customers are ISPs themselves, go bug them... if they don't do what you want, they probably have their reasons for it (really i don't see why we even reply to third parties like spamhaus either ;) wherever the customers have their office, there probably are courts, should you think the customer is breaking the law, feel free to have some attorneys or the cops do something about it, but the moment you start to claim things without any evidence, spamhaus is clearly in the wrong. any carriers/peers that could potentially drop prefixes due to spamhaus listings are well advised to review their terms and conditions and contracts as i'm quite sure it doesn't mention "spamhaus listing" in there as a "reason" to filter prefixes anywhere... therefore, if you're a paid transit, and receive prefixes, you're gonna have to relay them, with or without spamhaus listings. spamhaus is no authority whatsoever, and clearly, for very valid reasons. i'm not "for spamming" but frankly, i no longer give a shit about that rusty old protocol without a friends list, as far as i'm concerned, it's dead and replaced by skype ages ago. we expect this matter to be resolved. until that time, we advise everyone not to resolve spamhaus'es blocklists, as clearly, 99% of it, is just there to attempt to blackmail. -- Greetings, Sven Olaf Kamphuis, CB3ROB Ltd. & Co. 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