-- Tassos
Are there any transit providers out there that accept using the BFD (or
any other similar) mechanism for eBGP peerings?
If no, how do you solve the issue with the physical interface state when
LANPHY connections are used?
Anyone messing with the BGP timers? If yes, what about multiple LAN
connections with a single BGP peering?
- bfd-like mechanism for LANPHY connections between ... Tassos Chatzithomaoglou
- Re: bfd-like mechanism for LANPHY connections... Richard A Steenbergen
- Re: bfd-like mechanism for LANPHY connect... Tassos Chatzithomaoglou
- RE: bfd-like mechanism for LANPHY con... Jensen Tyler
- Re: bfd-like mechanism for LANPHY... Jeff Wheeler
- Re: bfd-like mechanism for L... Richard A Steenbergen
- RE: bfd-like mechanism for L... Jensen Tyler
- Re: bfd-like mechanism f... Jeff Wheeler
- Simple Low Cost WAN ... Loopback
- Re: Simple Low Cost ... Sergey Voropaev
- Simple Low Cost WAN ... Loopback