I am not sure I understand your statement (below).

The ONE-NET network is what I have worked on in the past while in the
Navy Reserve

The military has a bunch of sub systems that can integrate with crypto
devices. In any event, military end users need classified and
unclassified networks for their desktops and I am guessing the article
is talking about military unclassified networks which provides
internet access.

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 9:14 AM, andrew.wallace
<> wrote:
>You would think their war fighting networks, weren't the same ones used for 
>civilian-based web sites on the public internet. It seems there is a conflict 
>here between what they push out to the media as to what their cyber 
>capabilities are, and what the realities are on the ground. In that respect, 
>yes I'm very surprised. --- Andrew

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