I'd be willing to bet that's maxmind's geoip database.

for some if not all three it corroborates the argentina response...


On 3/9/11 11:32 AM, Schiller, Heather A wrote:
> If anyone is listening, would you be so kind as to update geolocation
> info for the following-- they are in Mexico, not Argentina.
> inetnum:
> status:      reallocated
> owner:       Infor Global Solutions Mexico SA de CV
> ownerid:     MX-IGSM-LACNIC
> responsible: Hector Garcia Bernal
> address:     Montes Urales 505 Lomas de Chapultepec, , 
> address:      - mexico city - 
> country:     MX
> I couldn't find information on how to get geolocation errors corrected
> for Apple, Yahoo or MSN on their websites.  It would be nice if folks
> would also update  http://nanog.cluepon.net/index.php/GeoIP   which
> details the process for several large sites. 
> Thanks,
> --Heather
> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
> Heather Schiller
> Network Security - Verizon Business
> 1.800.900.0241    secur...@verizonbusiness.com

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