----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joel Jaeggli" <joe...@bogus.com>

> http://forums11.itrc.hp.com/service/forums/questionanswer.do?admit=109447626+1299558177753+28353475&threadId=1471451
> As a potentially cautionary tale for the squatting on unused pieces of
> address space either in your network or applications.
> drive slow (and filter 22 outgoing to until you get new
> firmware)

(HP Blades apparently depended on rDNS for 49.48/16 failing hard, which 
stopped happening when the block was allocated)

Hey, isn't this what I was talking about a week or two ago: applications
depending on DNS not lying to them about whether things actually exist or
not?  (Ok, it's a *bit* sideways, but not much...)

-- jra

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