On Mar 4, 2011, at 12:20 PM, Craig Labovitz wrote:

> http://monkey.org/~labovit/images/march4_libya.pdf

I also saw this 


Do you know if this is all of Libya (including the "liberated" East, e.g., 
Cyrenaica), or just Tripolitania (the part under gov. control) ?

I believe that the cable landing is in Tripoli, so one cut could also isolate 
the rebel regions, unless there is an overland link to Egypt. 


> - Craig
> On Mar 4, 2011, at 11:42 AM, Marshall Eubanks wrote:
>> Does anyone have evidence that the Internet is up to Libya today ?
>> The Google "transparency report" is showing flatlines after about mid-day 
>> yesterday.
>> http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/traffic/?r=LY&l=WEBSEARCH&csd=1298650426153&ced=1299255226153
>> Regards
>> Marshall

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