One issue with this is that distributions like RHEL don't open DHCPv6 in the
default firewall policy.
 On Mar 4, 2011 7:17 AM, "Jay Cornwall" <> wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Mar 2011 00:24:48 +0000 (UTC), Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
>> Mikael Abrahamsson <> wrote:
>>> On a more serious note, I can on my Ubuntu machine just "apt-get
>>> install
>>> wide-dhcpv6-client" and I get dhcpv6, it'll properly put stuff in
>>> resolv.conf for dns-over-ipv6 transport, even though the connection
>>> manager knows nothing about it, at least dual stack works properly.
>> This is finally getting fixed now. NetworkManager 0.8.3, to be
>> shipped
>> in the upcoming Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) seems to do the right thing,
>> including using the OtherConfig-Flag in RA to trigger a stateless
>> DHCPv6
>> request. Haven't tested stateful yet.
> I've tested stateful configuration and it works correctly (with
> stateless/stateful and stateful only) in NetworkManager with ISC DHCP 4.
> The DHCP client uses a dynamic DUID based on the link-local address and
> time. That's not quite as flexible as WIDE or Dibbler.
> --
> Jay Cornwall

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