We bought Extreme Networks Summit x350 for FTTx purposes.

Eduardo Schoedler

> -----Mensagem original-----
> De: Adam Armstrong [mailto:li...@memetic.org]
> Enviada em: quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2011 07:20
> Para: nanog@nanog.org
> Assunto: Switch with 24x SFP PVLAN QinQ Layer 2
> Hi All,
> I'm scouring the Internet for potential devices to use in a FTTB/FTTP
> scenario.
> Requirements are basically just 24/48 SFP ports, PVLAN and selective
> QinQ. Most devices that fit the requirements are Layer 3, which pushes
> the cost per port too high.
> Has anyone come across anything I've not found yet?
> Thanks,
> adam.

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