On Tue, 2011-03-01 at 07:46 -1000, Paul Graydon wrote:

> Having worked both inside and outside the ISP industry, I wouldn't 
> necessarily trust a salesman to know a DSL from a leased line, let alone 
> IPv6 vs IPv4, nor to have remembered being asked about it before.  
> That's stuff for pre-sales engineers to handle, not the salesman.

If IPv6 is being mentioned in mainstream news media including local and
national TV news (which it has) then I would expect a salesperson of an
ISP to also be somewhat knowledgeable enough to be able to able to at
least spell it.

And I agree with the previous poster that in this day and age, it is
unlikely that the sales group of a global provider would not have
encountered such a request.  If anything, they should have been hit with
those kinds of requests starting ten years ago.  Perhaps that particular
salesperson had not but he/she should have been briefed on it and should
be familiar enough with deployment status to be able to talk
intelligently and honestly with a potential customer.

/*=================[ Jake Khuon <kh...@neebu.net> ]=================+
 | Packet Plumber, Network Engineers     /| / [~ [~ |) | | -------- |
 | for Effective Bandwidth Utilisation  / |/  [_ [_ |) |_| NETWORKS |   

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