I use Android phones, mostly for remote administration. SSH using ConnectBot. If you want a really durable phone, with the option of a little bit of additional functionality, I would take a Motorola Droid 1, throw CyanogenMod on it with a p3droid kernel. The phone itself can survive 3ft falls @ 30 mph (proven myself on accident), the keyboard is very useable, and overall is an amazing phone. You can also use a fair number of command line tools, and add your own statically compiled tools, or dynamically compiled with a bit more work.
On Feb 27, 2011 9:03 PM, "Jay Ashworth" <j...@baylink.com> wrote: Do you have a smartphone? Blackberry? iPhone? Android? Do you use it as a technical tool in your work, either for accessing devices or testing connectivity -- or something else? If so, what kind of phone, and what (if you don't mind letting on) are your magic apps for this sort of work? (My motivation? Well, um, Lee, I'm looking at buying an HTC Thunderbolt, if everyone can get their thumbs out, and I want to get a feeling for the lanscape, if you'll pardon the pun. :-) Cheers, -- jra