On 02/18/2011 08:59 AM, Joel Jaeggli wrote:
normally ip addresses like that just attract additional unwanted traffic towards the advertised prefix...
Way back when ml.org was first doing dynamic dns, I tried it out and gave myself 'workgroup.ml.org'. All of a sudden, I started being bombarded with windows netbios traffic from all over creation (this was like 1998 or so, don't recall exactly but it was port 137 I think). I tried to get an explanation and to divine why all of a sudden having 'workgroup.ml.org' made me a target, but I never got to the truth of it. The closest I came simply had to do with the default 'wrokgroup' name of windows 95 machines and something to do with dns/netbios resolution (bug?). It looked like it was stripping dots a little too agressively but then it's been many years and I don't do windows.
To this day I wonder seriously if 'workgroup.com' or variations had or has a similar problem....