On Feb 11, 2011, at 12:21 PM, Franck Martin wrote:

> http://www.marketingvox.com/under-the-microscope-what-the-end-of-ipv4-means-for-marketers-048657/
> I can hear people, say oh no.... 
> Interesting to see that marketers do not like CGNAT. 

They missed an important point.

> Who Will Be Impacted: For more consumers, there will be negligible impact. 
> "The ISPs will be handling much of this,” said Leo Vegoda, a researcher with 
> ICANN. (via TechNewsWorld). Some technology users may experience some 
> glitches, such as people using VPN software to connect with their offices or 
> users of point-to-point software such as Skype, he adds.

Anyone that uses a residential router (Linksys, D-Link, Netgear, etc) is likely 
to need to upgrade that, most likely by buying a new one. Set-top boxes are 
generally IPv4; anyone with a TV is likely to need to upgrade at least the 
software. Skype is not yet IPv6-capable, and will need one an update. "The ISPs 
will take care of this" is a really empty hope. The ISPs will take care of 
their part, but users should expect that there will be things jiggling over the 
coming couple of years.

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