Here's the template we just completed last week, and we received our /32 minimum allocation within a couple of days. No justification for initial allocation, only "subsequent" v6 allocations. <>Tom Pipes T6 Broadband On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 1:38 PM, <> wrote: > Why does ARIN require detailed usage of IPv4 space when requesting IPv6 > space? Seems completely irrelevant to me. > > -- > Adam Webb > EN & ES Team > desk: 816.737.9717 > cell: 916.949.1345 > --------------------------------------- > The biggest secret of innovation is that anyone can do it. > --------------------------------------- > > > ----------------------------------------- > Please consider the environment before printing this email and any > attachments. > > This e-mail and any attachments are intended only for the > individual or company to which it is addressed and may contain > information which is privileged, confidential and prohibited from > disclosure or unauthorized use under applicable law. If you are > not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified > that any use, dissemination, or copying of this e-mail or the > information contained in this e-mail is strictly prohibited by the > sender. If you have received this transmission in error, please > return the material received to the sender and delete all copies > from your system. > -- Tom Pipes T6 Broadband Office: 815-380-3773 Direct: 815-544-1882 Fax: 815-380-6513