On Feb 10, 2011, at 4:50 AM, TR Shaw wrote:

> On Feb 10, 2011, at 1:26 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:
>> The problem is conversations like this:
>> AT&T Customer Service: "AT&T uVerse, how can I help you?"
>> Customer: "Yes, I have uVerse service and I'd like to get IPv6."
>> AT&T Customer Service: "I pea vee what? Is this a prank call?"
>> Owen
> The ATT cellular folks respond...
> ATT:  "ATT Wireless. My name is ____ and I'm here to help"
> User: "My iPhone web browser can't reach sites like ipv6.google.com via your 
> cellular network but it can over my wifi at home."
> ATT: "So you are having problems with your uVerse wireless connection?"
> ... after escalating to L2 support....
> ATT: "So we will start be reseting your iPhone and then configure it for data 
> access...."
> ...after 45 minutes...
> ATT: "Are you sure the website is valid? Let me check that website on my 
> desktop here."... "Well, thats the problem! http://ipv6.google.com/ doesn't 
> exist. I can't get to it via my desktop here at support.  You need to use www 
> instead of ipv6 and everything will be fine.  Is there anything else I can 
> help you with today?"
Seems equally problematic, no?


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