On Feb 10, 2011, at 12:15 AM, Ricky Beam wrote:

> On Wed, 09 Feb 2011 16:42:14 -0500, Nathan Eisenberg 
> <nat...@atlasnetworks.us> wrote:
>> What do you mean, lit up?  You mean they're not in the routing tables that 
>> you get from your carriers?  I'd argue that's no indication of whether 
>> they're in use or not.
> That's pretty much the definition of "in use".  If they don't appear in the 
> global routing table, then they aren't being used.  I cannot send traffic to 
> them; they cannot send traffic to me.
> In my recent probe of route servers, I found 22 legacy /8's that were partly 
> or completely unused.  I'm a little surprised ARIN/ICANN thinks it's a waste 
> of time to even try to reclaim them.
> --Ricky
This dead horse keep coming back for another beating.  The purpose of a global 
registry of numbers is to provide a common source for unique numbers.  The 
definition of "in use" by internet registries does not require appearance in 
your routing tables or even in the route servers. Not only that, the "users" 
may not even want or need to exchange traffic with you.

As a survivor of many network consolidations due to corporate acquisitions, I 
have many scars from trying to get separate RFC 1918 islands to interwork 
properly. That is the reason that even so-called private networks need unique 
IP addressing.

And now, since IPv6 is actually being deployed and used, there is absolutely no 
economic incentive to continue to fight the "IPv4 addresses not in my routing 
table are not 'in use'" battle any more. It is a waste of time and money.

James R. Cutler

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