On Wed, 9 Feb 2011, Crooks, Sam wrote:

Is it permissible, from a policy perspective, for a multi-homed end user
to announce the numbering resource allocation received from one RIR (for
discussion purposes, let's say ARIN) to upstream service providers in a
different region (for example, in the RIPE region)?

Nope.  The RIR-police will shut you down.

Just kidding. I'm in ARIN's region and have a customer in Africa for whom we're announcing AFRINIC space. It happens. As long as you have authorization from the registrant (I'd say owner, but the RIR-semantics police would come for me) of the space, I wouldn't worry about utilizing "out of region" numbering resources.

This sort of thing probably happens quite a bit more than you'd guess...both legitmately and not.

 Jon Lewis, MCP :)           |  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
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