On Feb 3, 2011, at 2:20 PM, andrew.wallace wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 6:59 PM, Scott Brim <scott.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 02/03/2011 10:14 EST, Marshall Eubanks wrote:
>>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 9:24 AM, andrew.wallace wrote:
>>>> Mobile phone firm Vodafone accuses the Egyptian authorities of
>>>> using its network to send pro-government text messages.
>>>> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-12357694
>>> Here is their PR
>>> http://www.vodafone.com/content/index/press.html
>>> Note that this is entirely legal, under "the emergency powers
>>> provisions of the Telecoms Act"
>> Which is legal, Vodafone's protest or the government's telling them to
>> send messages?  afaik the agreement was that the operator would have
>> preloaded canned messages, agreed on in advance with the government, and
>> now the government is telling them to send out arbitrary messages they
>> compose on the spot.
> I wonder if these messages were blockable by the end-user or if they were 
> being sent as a service announcement from Vodafone.
> Certainly, if the government were sending the messages under the company name 
> then something sounds wrong about that.
> What I would like is to hear from someone who received the messages and what 
> their experiences were.

They were described to me as being "from Vodafone." I assumed that this meant 
that they were service messages. 


> Andrew

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