(apologies to REM)

On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Jon Lewis wrote:

> The real fun's going to be over the next several years as the RIR's become 
> irrelevant in the acquisition of scarce IPv4 resources...and things become 
> less stable as lots of orgs rush to implement a strange new IP version.

There's clearly two things that need to be done:

1) Major infrastructure (ie: backhaul, corporate, ISP gateway) need to be 
upgraded/configured to support IPv6
2) Edge networks need to start to hand out IPv6 addresses and name servers.  I 
think it would be great if providers started handing out IPv6 addressed name 
servers when an IPv4 client does a dhcp renew, etc.

(eg: the NANOG conference lan gave my iPhone/iPad v6 nameservers..)

#1 should be easy enough to do
#2 is complicated as well by the lack of a single coherent edge technology that 
can deliver solutions

- Jared

(btw: has anyone configured IOS PPTP/VPDN to hand out IPv6 that would be 
willing to share config example with me)

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