On 1/31/2011 9:51 AM, Dan White wrote:
That rules out 3rd party firmware like dd-wrt, since the customer is
unlikely to get support when calling the vendor.

At this point, I'd be happy with two good options (two different vendors)
to recommend. So far, D-link is looking good.
Yeah, don't get me wrong. In most of our network, our CPE is bridging 
only. Customers wanted wireless and a few of the telco's were adamant 
about including it in their CPE (so the customer didn't have to go buy a 
wireless router from walmart). 90% or more of those wireless CPEs are 
still fully bridged (even the wireless is bridged to the wan).
I've tried my hardest to keep things where IPv6 from our side will just 
work. What a customer buys is their concern, but we still have the 
danger of gear which just won't be interoperable with our setup.

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