Hi All,

I've just noticed that Level 3 is allowing people to register space in its IRR 
database that A.) is not assigned to the people registering it and B.) is not 
assigned via/to Level 3.

So, I have two queries

A.) Are only customers of Level 3 allowed to use this database
B.) Can someone from Level 3 please clarify if there are any plans to lock this 
down slightly

At this point, it would seem that if you are a customer of level 3's, you can 
register any space you feel like in there, and announce anything you feel like 
once the filters propagate, which in my opinion completely nullifies the point 
of IRR in the first place.

Though I think this also raises the question about IRR databases in general.  
Would it not be far more sane to have each RIR run a single instance each which 
talk to each other, which can be verified against IP address assignments, and 
scrap the distributed IRR systems that allow for issues like this to occur?

(In the mean time I've emailed the relevant people to try and get the entries 
falsely registered in that database removed, and will wait and see if I get a 

Andrew Alston
TENET - Chief Technology Officer
Phone: +27 21 763 7181

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