On Friday 28 January 2011 21:22:55 Christopher Morrow wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Christopher Morrow
> <morrowc.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Alastair Johnson <a...@sneep.net> wrote:
> >> For instance, our corporate WAN links into Cairo are still up (UUNET
> >> PIP).
> > 
> > <cough> that's the MCI PIP</cough>...
> probably the .EG parts of that PIP are provided on a partner network
> still ... I don't think they have build of their own gear into the
> country, and there's a high likelihood that if state-security sees
> 'forbidden' traffic on those links they'll request traffic shutdown on
> that network as well.
> If you operate a network in the affected country I'm sure you'll have
> to comply with LEA demands...
> -chris

It's ironic that in 1991, the Soviet coup leaders had the international voice 
gateway shut down but left the Internet link up (who cares about some weird 
thing eggheads chat over?), but now, dictators in trouble pull all the BGP 
announcements but leave the PSTN up. Who cares about some old thing your mother 

Not impressed by US journalists asking why the WH press secretary can't order 
Vodafone to turn their GSM net back on, though. 1) it's not them who would have 
to say no to the nice man from Central State Security with his electric shock 
baton, 2) VF.eg is half-owned by the Egyptian government...

The only thing worse than e-mail disclaimers...is people who send e-mail to 
lists complaining about them

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