
Thanks for the feedback on the topics for the NANOG ISP Security Track BoF 
Scheduled on Monday 4:30 - 6 pm in the Grand conference room.

Brief Snapshot of the current agenda:

- RPKI Deployment Overview and Example

- Operation Payback, Anonymous Tool Set Taxonomy

- Briefing on SPAM Botnets Activity Trends and Observations

We'll open the session with a brief agenda bashing to allow any hot items to be 
worked in, but it would also be very beneficial if anyone has anything they 
would like to have worked into the agenda prior to the meeting to send their 
topics / thoughts to the chairs cc'd.

Looking forward to seeing you in Miami.


On Jan 6, 2011, at 6:01 PM, Scanlon, Paul wrote:

> Hi All, 
> Happy New Year. 
> NANOG 51 in Miami is rapidly approaching, January 30 - February 2, and we are 
> looking for topics for the ISP Security BOF.  Eric Osterweil and I are going 
> to be moderating this year with the assistance of Danny McPherson.  We would 
> very much like to hear your feedback regarding topics of interest for the 
> session.
> If you have any security related topics that you would like to hear about, 
> not hear about, or be willing to speak about, please let one of us know as 
> soon as possible, feedback to the list obviously welcome.
> Slides are welcome but not required. 
> Much thanks, 
> Eric & Paul 
> ------------------------------------
> Paul Scanlon
> Arbor Networks
> +1.303.477.0919 office
> +1.303.810.7260 mobile
> ------------------------------------

Paul Scanlon
Arbor Networks
+1.303.477.0919 office
+1.303.810.7260 mobile
How networks grow™

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