On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:04 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:

> On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:49 AM, Jared Mauch wrote:
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 8:33 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> I'd like to see IPv4 go away in ~3 years. Any faster would be too traumatic.
>>> I think 6 years is a perfectly reasonable time frame. I think if it takes 
>>> 11 years
>>> it will be because of significant foot-dragging by some key organizations.
>>> I'm not convinced that foot-dragging is as likely as some people are, but,
>>> there's enough probability to provide some wiggle room in the numbers.
>> I expect that in ~3 years, we will see dual-stack and /64's handed out in 
>> conjunction with an IPv4 address as "common".
>> The ipv6 zealots talking about anything but a /64 for end-site are talking 
>> about a "business class" service.  Even with my static IPs at home, I have 
>> no need for more than a single /64 to be used in my wildest dreams.  I could 
>> live with ~256 ips for the future.  I consider my tech density 
>> "above-average".
>> - Jared
> As one of the IPv6 zealots talking about anything but a /64 for end sites, I
> can assure you that I am talking about it for residential class service
> not business class.
> Your tech density may be above average for today, but, you lack vision
> for the future.
> Imagine a future where devices form autonomous network segments
> and negotiate prefixes and routing for those segments in a semi-
> or fully- autonomous fashion.
> The appliance net in the kitchen will be managed by a router.
> The RFID tags on the products in your fridge and your pantries
> will form autnonous subnets with routers embedded in the
> fridge and pantries. Each of your home entertainment clusters
> will likely form its own subnet.
> Even today, it is not uncommon for a residential gateway to support
> at least five segments:
>       1.      External WAN segment shared with ISP
>       2.      Internal wired network
>       3.      Internal wireless network
>       4.      "DMZ" segment
>       5.      Guest wireless network
> Seriously, it's important that we do not limit our IPv6 thinking by
> our IPv4 mindset. The future is not the present and we will see
> much more advanced capabilities in the residential world
> going forward if we allow it to happen.

I'm not.  There's certainly interesting use cases of this "IP" header type, 
independent of being v4 or v6.

You're talking about the various segments, and I'm thinking about the folks 
from Toyota doing their ipv6 local networks integrated into vehicles.  But many 
people are also stuck in thinking that these people need to be segmented in the 
first place.  This "security by obscurity" mentality that being behind a VPN, 
being air-gapped, wired, wireless, that you are deserving of a variable class 
of service is part of the discussion.

I could call out vendors that have highly sensitive data that is available "if 
only" you brought a cat5 cable to the office vs using their "guest" wireless.  
that segmentation ignores the authentication of end-stations, or person behind 
the keyboard.  If you actually did that, you don't need to have a different 
'guest' wireless vs the 'internal' wireless network.

Now, I don't think that by reading this that an enterprise is going to clean up 
their act, (wired vs wireless), or stop any other silly practices using these 
"packet eating" firewall/nat/vpn devices.

But tying those practices in to the equation can serve to validate the premise 
that these people actually need to be segmented vs solving the real security 
(trust) problem that exists on the end devices.  You don't necessarily need to 
see my AppleTV on my home network, but as a guest at my home, (after 
authenticating to my local wireless network) you gain access to play music and 
control various elements of my network.  I don't need to make these "public", 
but if they are on a public-IP, the devices should be able to be properly 
secured (and can be).

I don't think I need a public and private FridgeNet to determine the quantity 
and quality of the beverages and offer different SLAs based on if they are on 
the 'guestFridgeNet' vs 'privateFridgeNet'.  This is taking it a step or three 
too far.  Most people don't know or care what their IP subnet is.  Even if 
every time I connected a device to my network (or re-connected after power 
saving, etc) I incremented the usable part of my /64, it would take me some 
time to consume that space fully.

I do think we're closer together than apart, but for 90% of home users, (and 
you can quote me on this in 10 years) a /64 will be sufficient for their uses.  
Anyone needing more than a /64 for their home is either going to some 
impractical extreme or better defined as a "prosumer" that will want a higher 
SLA in the first place, and therefore should pay a modest amount more.

- Jared

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