We were a mostly PPPoA shop, and were doing PPPoE on our FTTH but moved to
DHCP because of our desire to move to v6 without waiting for the access
vendor and to get rid of supporting that username/password combo.  And DSL
modems that we're replacing in the field we're moving from PPPoA to PPPoE
because of Ethernet transport because I'm not as sold on RBE in a 7206VXR,
even though I really could use the same Option 82 in the same way as we do
for FTTH.

VLAN-per-user seems like a lot of router config overhead, though I could be
proved wrong if I misunderstand.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Stewart [mailto:p...@paulstewart.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:34 PM
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: PPPOE vs DHCP

Hey folks...

I'm meeting with a customer tomorrow (service provider, rural telco) and
we're pitching they move to a PPPOE platform most likely.  But to be fair,
I'm looking to draw up a comparison so they are "well informed" of the
pros/cons.  Has anyone done this?


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