On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 7:39 AM, Florin Veres <flo...@futurefreedom.ro> wrote: > Hey guys, > Do any of you have any idea if it's possible to upload configuration from a > script (prefix-list updates in this case) to a JunOS device (MX)? > For Cisco devices I'm doing it using rcp.
>From config mode use a "load merge" command that specifies a SCP or FTP >URL. You'll need to setup SSH keys in advance to do so without an additional password for the device to download the script. Alternatively... SCP the file to a temporary file on the device then "load merge" the uploaded file, to merge config from the script. Net::SSH::Expect from CPAN to connect via ssh from perl. Something like use Net::SSH::Perl; use Net::SSH::Expect; my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new( host => 'myfavoritehostname.example.com', user => 'blahblahblah', password => '1234', raw_pty => 1); $ssh->login(q[blahb...@myfavoritehostname.example.com's password]); $output1 = $ssh->exec("configure private"); # $blah = $ssh->exec("load merge usern...@scriptserver.example.com:/path/to/scriptfile_to_load.txt"); print scalar $ssh->exec("show | compare"); # commit -- -JH