On 01/18/2011 06:21 AM, Ken Gilmour wrote:
> On 18 January 2011 13:10, Simon Waters <sim...@zynet.net> wrote:
>>> Obviously they know about them because google has the information.
>> I'm not sure this is a reasonable deduction.
> Correct - It is completely unreasonable. I was using it as an example in
> reference to a larger, well known provider since earlier someone had
> mentioned that obviously since google had this information that BL's
> monitoring was inadequate as they didn't know about it themselves.
> Google knows about lots of things that people in general probably don't know
> about themselves.
> FTR - I have no doubt that Level 3 have amazing monitoring and
> infrastructure, and think I understand why it might be hard to find 231 bad
> apples in a basket of over 292492.

I think it's important to point out that this statistic is "over the
past 90 days" as well.  It doesn't identify enough sites to make it
possible to verify whether it's representative of current problems.  The
231 sites may have been cleaned relatively quickly and still count in
the statistic if Google ever found them to be doing something malicious.
 I do not think this report is a useful one unless the number is
constantly growing and is a large percentage of sites Google has
spidered on the network.

Kevin Stange
Chief Technology Officer
Steadfast Networks
Phone: 312-602-2689 ext. 203 | Fax: 312-602-2688 | Cell: 312-320-5867

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