I'm not Spamhaus.  I don't necessarily agree with their listing
policies, but reading your SBL record,
http://www.spamhaus.org/sbl/sbl.lasso?query=SBL100691, it appears that
someone from your ISP has been in contact with Spamhaus, and were less
than thorough in removing the spam gang you guys signed on (PTR
records?), or were less than honest about removing them in the first
place.  For the rest of my life I will mentally equate "DDoS protection
solutions" with "foonet".  It hasn't failed me since 2001, and doesn't
seem to fail me today.


On 1/17/2011 3:15 PM, Jeffrey Lyon wrote:
> Someone at Spamhaus please contact me concerning your second
> consecutive preemptive strike against our IP space.
> Fun Fact: No one at Spamhaus has ever successfully sent us an abuse
> complaint. Also, some rocket scientist decided that their
> sbl-removals@ box should also filter e-mail so blocked parties can't
> even get in touch. As such, it will be necessary to reply to
> jeffrey.l...@gmail.com vs. @blacklotus.net .
> You claim to monitor sbl-removals@ but it seems i've been ignored for
> several hours.

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