On Jan 13, 2011, at 10:49 , Owen DeLong wrote:

>> Most people do not know about the "multi-homing feature" designed into
>> IPv6.  Most people who do, seem to agree that it may not see enough
>> practical use to have meaningful impact on routing table growth, which
>> will no longer be kept in check by a limited pool of IP addresses and
>> policies that make it a little difficult for a very small network to
>> become multi-homed.
>> This may be another looming IPv6 headache without a sufficient
>> solution to set good practices now, before deployment sky-rockets.
> It's well known that IPv6 will require a scalable routing solution and that
> one has not yet been developed.  I'll be surprised if there isn't more
> progress out of IETF on this issue in the near future.

The RRG of the IRTF has spent the last two years on this topic. A summary of 
the discussed solutions can be find in:


A spin off of that activity is the LISP WG in the IETF 


> Owen

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