On Wed, Jan 12, 2011, Jon Lewis wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011, Jared Mauch wrote:
> >I suggest using one of the reserved/private BGP asns for this purpose.
> >
> >ASNumber:       64512 - 65535
> It sounds to me like Company B isn't doing BGP (probably has no experience 
> with it) and if there's only a single prefix per side of the cross 
> connect, especially if the cross connect is going into routers smart 
> enough to remove a route from the table if the destination interface is 
> down, static would do just fine.

Unless you'd like to ensure the sensitive traffic doesn't cross an
"unsafer" default rout path if the XC is down.

(Assuming the prefixes are both public IPv4/6 space to begin with.)


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