to which they would try and play the "well most people don't mix gear"..

ha! Funny if you responded with, "Oh really? Thanks I didn't know that, I guess 
I'll get all HP...who do I talk to, to return this Cisco router?"

> From:
> To:
> CC:;
> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 15:20:06 -0500
> Subject: Re: Is Cisco equpiment de facto for you?
> just a side note,  HP probably was the most helpful vendor i've dealt with in 
> relation to solving/providing inter vendor interoperability solutions.   they 
> have PDF booklets on many  things we would run into during work.  for 
> example,  setting up STP between Cisco and HP gear,  ( 
>  ).
> At the time the other vendor in this case (cisco) flat our refused to help 
> us.  this was a few years back tho,  things may of changed.  I'd ask support 
> "you are not telling me i'm the _only_ customer trying to do this" …   to 
> which they would try and play the "well most people don't mix gear"..
> HP's example should be the yard stick in the field.
> -g
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 3:04 PM, Brandon Kim wrote:
> >
> > To your point Andrey,
> >
> > It probably works both ways too. I'm sure HP would love to finger point as 
> > well. I remember reading for my CCNP one
> > of the thought process behind getting all Cisco is the very reason you 
> > pointed out, get all Cisco!
> >
> > How convenient though for Cisco to do that, I wonder if they are being 
> > sincere(sarcasm).
> >
> > Wouldn't it a perfect world for Cisco to just have everyone buy their 
> > stuff...I think it's a cop out though and you really should
> > try to support your product as best you can if it is connected to another 
> > vendor.
> >
> > I'm sad to hear that TACACS took that route. I hope they at least tried 
> > their hardest to support you.....
> >
> >
> >
> >> From:
> >> Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 14:35:36 -0500
> >> Subject: Re: Is Cisco equpiment de facto for you?
> >> To:
> >>
> >> There have been awfully too many time when Cisco TAC would just say that
> >> since the problem you are trying to troubleshoot is between Cisco and
> >> VendorX, we can't help you. You should have bought Cisco for both sides.
> >> I had that happen when I was troubleshooting LLDP between 3750s and Avaya
> >> phones, TACACS between Cisco and tac_plus daemon, link bundling between
> >> juniper EX and Cisco, some obscure switching issues between CAT and
> >> Procurves and other examples like that just don't recall them anymore.
> >>
> >> Every time I'm reminded that if you have a lot of Cisco on the network, the
> >> rest should be cisco too, unless there is a very good technical/financial
> >> reason for it, but you should be prepared to be your own help in those
> >> cases.
> >>
> >> Vendors love to point at the other vendors for solutions. At least in my
> >> experience.
> >>
> >> My $0.02
> >>
> >> Andrey
> >>
> >> On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Greg Whynott 
> >> <>wrote:
> >>
> >>> I've tried to use other vendors threw out the years for internal L2/L3.
> >>> Always Cisco for perimeter routing/firewalling.
> >>>
> >>> from my personal experience,  each time we took a chance and tried to use
> >>> another vendor for internal L2 needs,  we would be reminded why it was a 
> >>> bad
> >>> choice down the road,  due to hardware reliability,  support issues,
> >>> multiple and ongoing software bugs,  architectural design choices.  Then
> >>> for the next few years I'd regret the decision.     This is not to say 
> >>> Cisco
> >>> gear has been without its issues,  but they are much fewer and handled
> >>> better when stuff hits the fan.
> >>>
> >>> the only other vendor at this point in my career I'd fee comfortable
> >>> deploying for internal enterprise switching,  including HPC requirements
> >>> which is not CIsco branded,  would be Force10 or Extreme.  it has always
> >>> been Cisco for edge routing/firewalling,  but i wouldn't be opposed to
> >>> trying Juniper for routing,  I know of a few shops who do and they have 
> >>> been
> >>> pleased thus far.    I've little or no experience  with many of the other
> >>> vendors,  and I'm sure they have good offerings,  but I won't be beta
> >>> testing their firmwares anymore (one vendor insisted we upgrade our 
> >>> firmware
> >>> on our core equipment several times in one year…).
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Cisco isn't a good choice if you don't have the budget for the smart net
> >>> contracts.   They come at a price.   a little 5505 with unrestricted 
> >>> license
> >>> and contract costs over 2k,  a 5540 about 40k-70k depending on options,
> >>> with a yearly renewal of about 15k or more…
> >>>
> >>> -g
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >> --
> >> Andrey Khomyakov
> >> []
> >
> --
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