In my experience it all comes down to Cisco-certified people being
easy to find, and managers not wanting to spend all their time in the
hiring process. So yes, I've generally seen Cisco as the de-facto
choice, but it's rarely been a technical argument that swings the
balance. I'm generally playing in the Enterprise space now, though.


On 10 January 2011 08:31, Brandon Kim <> wrote:
> Hello gents:
> I wanted to put this out there for all of you. Our network consists of a 
> mixture of Cisco and Extreme equipment.
> Would you say that it's fair to say that if you are serious at all about 
> being a service provider that your core equipment is Cisco based?
> Am I limiting myself by thinking that Cisco is the "de facto" vendor of 
> choice? I'm not looking for so much "fanboy" responses, but more of a real 
> world
> experience of what you guys use that actually work and does the job.....
> No technical questions here, just general feedback. I try to follow the Tolly 
> Group who compares products, and they continually show that Cisco equipment
> is a poor performer in almost any equipment compared to others, I find that 
> so hard to believe.....
> Thanks!
> Brandon

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