Randy your assumptions are correct,  all outbounds get that slapped on them,  
automagically.  good thing you have read the same magic book and can counter!  

I don't or ever did expect anything from you,  not sure why you thought i might.

do you think I should quit this organization because we do this,  and not 
consider the good work and intentions they have?  (finding a cure for cancer)  
I don't think the legal's deparments intention was to force anything onto the 

sounds like you have a lot of anger issues to work out.  8)

take care and have a great weekend,


On Jan 7, 2011, at 4:59 PM, Randy Bush wrote:

> you have sent a message to me which seems to contain a legal
> warning on who can read it, or how it may be distributed, or
> whether it may be archived, etc.
> i do not accept such email.  my mail user agent detected a legal
> notice when i was opening your mail, and automatically deleted it.
> so do not expect further response.
> yes, i know your mail environment automatically added the legal
> notice.  well, my mail environment automatically detected it,
> deleted it, and sent this message to you.  so don't expect a lot
> of sympathy.
> and if you choose to work for some enterprise clueless enough to
> think that they can force this silliness on the world, use gmail,
> hotmail, ...
> randy


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