On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Deepak Jain <dee...@ai.net> wrote: > Wouldn't a number of problems go away if we just, for now, follow the IPv4 > lessons/practices like allocating the number of addresses a customer needs --- > say /122s or /120s that current router architectures know how to handle -- to > these boxes/interfaces today, while just reserving /64 or /56 spaces for > each of them for whenever the magic day comes along where they can be used > safely?
Trying to run the IPv6 network using IPv4 addressing practices is similar to upgrading your horse and buggy to a sports car, and insisting on driving this car only on dirt roads, avoiding pavements at all costs, due to the danger of slipping, if that was the lesson you learned with horses and buggies. You can probably do it, and survive, but that does not mean it will be advantageous trouble free, advisable, or fun. In this case, you will bring all the negatives (and more) that the practice had with IPv4, for questionable or no advantages. It is advisable to look for much stronger reasons than "With IPv4 we did it" or With IPv4 we ran into such and such problem" due to unique characteristics of IPv4 addressing or other IPv4 conventions that had to continue to exist for compatibility reasons, etc, etc. -- -JH