On Jan 5, 2011, at 12:15 PM, Jay Coley wrote:

> On 05/01/2011 17:09, Craig Pierantozzi wrote:
>> On Jan 5, 2011, at 9:26 AM, Jon Lewis wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> Can anyone from Level3 say how this will impact customer BGP filters. Will 
>>> L3 keep working with the last data sync they got from altdb?
>> Yes, Level 3 will continue to use the last data mirrored and archived. New 
>> filters are not pushed daily, they are only pushed when things change.
>> Archives are here in case people want to know what the latest was: 
>> <ftp://rr.level3.net/pub/rr/archive.mirror-data/>
>> regards
> So has anyone had any contact from ALTDB as to what's going on?

I don't know, but I'd like to make a suggestion that most people will just 
reject, .. but ...

1) If ARIN doesn't provide the level of authentication you desire, as an ARIN 
member you should send a note to ppml each day until it's available, or make a 
proposal to improve it.  Last time around, it wasn't very exciting for many 

2) If you DEPEND on something for your business, it may just be "worth it" to:
  a) pay RADB who operates professionally
  b) use your ISP provided IRR (eg: NTT, level3, savvis, etc) 

You are less likely to encounter business issues due to the mirroring/latency 
etc of RADB -> YourISP or ALTDB -> YourISP if you use them as you have a direct 
business relationship.  They may even prefer their objects over the RADB seen 

- Jared

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