On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 10:15 AM,  <valdis.kletni...@vt.edu> wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Dec 2010 12:49:37 EST, Christopher Morrow said:
>> on this, I HOPE vzw does the right thing and launches with v4/v6
>> dualstack on the devices in all regions where deployment happens. I
>> don't have much hope that this will actually happen though :(
> Personally, I hope they roll it out a region at a time (even a "new time zone
> each day" would probably be good enough), so they can shake the bugs out of
> each region and lower the amount of stress on the network engineers having to
> get *everything* staged at the same time..  Rolling a totally new thing out to
> 100% of the user base on the same day will rarely end well.

Just to update the group, a helpful person sent me a screenshot of the
VZW LTE connection manager, and it does indeed have a public IPv6
address an a 10.x.x.x IPv4 address.  So, true to claim, the new LTE
service available today on USB sticks is production dual-stack.


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