Hi, there; First of all, thanks you all for your unintended and unnoticed help what I’ve got from nanog.
I’m looking for a reference case of a point-to-point POS link. My potential customer asked me to configure their nodes using 40G POS interface cards. The distance of their nodes is between 10 km to 50 km. They are considering Cisco CRS for their core router. I’ve found that CRS has 2 kinds of POS card. One support only up to 2km. so, this one is out. >From the datasheet, the other one can support point-to-point connection up to 80km using this DCU. Dispersion compensating unit. I’ve talked about this configuration with people and no one would recommend those kind of things. Personally, I prefer 10G Ethernet with XENPAK ZR optics. Here is what I want to know. Is there anyone who are using POS with DCUs (without DWDM or something like that) between nodes of less than 80km apart? If there, would you recommend it to others? Jinwha Chung CCIE#11776 u-Eng'g Team | u-Telecom Global Business Unit | SK Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd South Korea TEL 82-2-3700-8822 FAX 82-2-3700-8999