> I don't know if you are referring to the "RED in a different light"
> paper: that was never published, though an early draft escaped and can
> be found on the net.
> "RED in a different light" identifies two bugs in the RED algorithm,
> and
> proposes a better algorithm that only depends on the link output
> bandwidth.  That draft still has a bug.

I also noticed another paper published later that references "RED in a
different light":


Adaptive RED: An Algorithm for Increasing the Robustness of RED's Active
Queue Management (postscript, PDF).
Sally Floyd, Ramakrishna Gummadi, and Scott Shenker.
August 1, 2001.

And this one:


July 15, 2002

Active Queue Management using Adaptive RED
Rahul Verma, Aravind Iyer and Abhay Karandikar

But it doesn't look like aRED went anywhere

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