On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 06:41:09PM -0800, Seth Mattinen wrote: > Contrary to popular belief the average person tend to severely dislike > all forms of road construction or having their yard repeatedly torn up. > > I know it's all happy fun times to say "let's have 10 water/electrical > providers and you can select which molecules/electrons you want!", but > there's a practical limit as to how much stuff one can pack under a > street's limited right of way. If you look at what's under there right > now it's actually quite crowded. We just don't see it because it's buried.
True indeed. My employer, the Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation, is a major owner, but not the only one, of right-of-way in the state. We have severe problems with trying to wedge into our rights-of-way all the things that people want to wedge in around our structures and drainage: pipelines, fiber, etc. It is beginning to look as though we will have to increase the ROW width in the future, just to make it possible to run everything necessary. The lawmakers were not particularly happy about this, but I understand that they were shown some cross-section maps of places where things are quite dense, and most of them came around. -- Mike Andrews, W5EGO mi...@mikea.ath.cx Tired old sysadmin