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from a WISP, there is a chance they will build out to you.
On 12/20/2010 6:14 PM, Dorn Hetzel wrote:
Where I live, about 50 miles south of Atlanta down I-85, there is no
consumer broadband at all.
Satellite, Cellular, and T-1, those are my options.
A mile away, there are choices, but not here. I am sure we aren't the only
neighborhood in this situation, even today.
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Randy Carpenter<>wrote:
And yet, I don't know of any location in the US with two cable
We have 2 separate cable providers in our town. One of them is a division
of the local telephone company, but it is still CATV plant. The telco also
operates a FTTH service with IPTV video as well.
The result is that the big national CATV provider had incredibly good rates
for a long time, and even after they were more than doubled, are still
really good.
Scott Reed
NewWays Networking, LLC
Wireless Networking
Network Design, Installation and Administration
Mikrotik Advanced Certified
(765) 855-1060