> -----Original Message----- > From: Rettke, Brian > Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 10:50 PM > To: George Bonser; JC Dill; NANOG list > Subject: RE: Some truth about Comcast - WikiLeaks style > > Interesting point. I'd also like to point out that putting the cost on > the content providers rather than the network may raise the cost of the > content service, but only to those that want that service. In effect, > if the transport provider is paying for the bandwidth generated by a > content provider, in effect we have another service bundled to all > services offered, which increases the cost to people using Internet > service but not necessarily accessing that content. Kind of the same > reason TV channels aren't a la carte. > > Sincerely, > > Brian A . Rettke > RHCT, CCDP, CCNP, CCIP > Network Engineer, CableONE Internet Services
There is also another issue. If the content provider (say it is Netflix in this case) is charged extra to reach Comcast's customers, Netflix might raise prices. Now *all* Netflix users no matter what their ISP are, in effect, subsidizing Comcast users. In that case Comcast is "taxing" every other ISPs customers that use that service in addition to their own. It is just a bad idea. It is like an apartment complex that also has its own pizza joint charging Dominoes for access to their tenants because the parking lot is full.