we'll if ICANN't .. maybe HECANN (*trying out humor*).

this idea of second internet doesn't make sense.
icann alone is already a handful.

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 10:50 PM, Ken <k...@sizone.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 10:20:17PM -0600, Beavis said:
>  >I come across this interesting link.
>  >
>  >http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/security/?p=4828&tag=nl.e036
>  >
>  >Is ICANN really that susceptible to govt. pressure?
> Funny, tho - being succeptible to govt pressure CREATES an alt root DNS
> structure. You'd think the smart thinkers in the govt woulda figured
> that out. Apply pressure and it splinters. Sometimes easier to supervise
> if its in one pile, no?
> Also, "new DNS = whole new internet"? lol.
> /kc
> --
> Ken Chase - k...@heavycomputing.ca - +1 416 897 6284 - Toronto CANADA
> Heavy Computing - Clued bandwidth, colocation and managed linux VPS @151 
> Front St. W.

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