On Tue, 14 Dec 2010, Jack Bates wrote:

On 12/13/2010 11:07 PM, Backdoor Santa wrote:
 Ever wonder what Comcast's connections to the Internet look like? In the
 tradition of WikiLeaks, someone stumbled upon these graphs of their TATA

Forgive me for being the skeptic, but I presume there is at least a traceroute with rDNS mentioning one of the 3 10G interfaces on gin-nto-icore1 from comcast?

It's not like the image lists the customer name on it; disregarding photoshop concerns. At least wikileaks documents look like they came from the government and have lots of details. :)

Agreed. There's no independently verifiable detail to lend any credence to the source(s) of the data. It just shows some 10G links flat-topping due to saturation. There's not enough here to get particularly excited.


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