> If you look at the national vulnerability database listings, though,
> it's really not clear who you'd need to go after:
> http://blogs.technet.com/b/security/archive/2008/05/15/q1-2008-client-
> os-vulnerability-scorecard.aspx
> Granted, that was two years ago; but it sure seems that just
> vilifying Microsoft, satisfying though it might be, would be to
> ignore the breadth of the problem.
> Matt

Is anyone actually using Ubuntu 6.06LTS anymore?  That was published for
Q1 2008, that was almost three years ago which in "internet years" is a
long time.

One also has to wonder (since the link to the original paper seems to be
dead) if that was "out of the box" 6.06LTS or 6.06LTS kept updated with
the security releases.

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