On 8 Dec 2010, at 13:12, nanog-requ...@nanog.org wrote:

> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 12:53:51 +0000
> From: "Dobbins, Roland" <rdobb...@arbor.net>
> Subject: Re: Over a decade of DDOS--any progress yet?
> To: North American Operators' Group <nanog@nanog.org>
> Message-ID: <bf571ad7-1122-407b-b7fa-77b9bbac4...@arbor.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> On Dec 8, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Arturo Servin wrote:
>>      One big problem (IMHO) of DDoS is that sources (the host of botnets) 
>> may be completely unaware that they are part of a DDoS. I do not mean the 
>> bot machine, I mean the ISP connecting those.
> The technology exists to detect and classify this attack traffic, and is 
> deployed in production networks today.

        Yes, they do exist. But, is people really filtering out attacks or just 
watching the attacks going out?

> And of course, the legitimate owners of the botted hosts are generally 
> unaware that their machine is being used for nefarious purposes.
>>      In the other hand the target of a DDoS cannot do anything to stop to 
>> attack besides adding more BW or contacting one by one the whole path of 
>> providers to try to minimize the effect.
> Actually, there're lots of things they can do.

        Yes, but all of them rely on your upstreams or in mirroring your 
content. If 100 Mbps are reaching your input interface of 10Mbps there is not 
much that you can do.

>>      I know that this has many security concerns, but would it be good a 
>> signalling protocol between ISPs to inform the sources of a DDoS attack in 
>> order to take semiautomatic actions to rate-limit the traffic as close as 
>> the source? Of course that this is more complex that these three or two 
>> lines, but I wonder if this has been considerer in the past.
> It already exists.

        If you have an URL would be good. I only found a few research papers on 
the topic and RSVP documents but nothing really concrete.


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