----- Original Message -----
> From: "Antonio Querubin" <t...@lava.net>
> On Thu, 2 Dec 2010, Jay Ashworth wrote:
> > Oh: and all the extra servers and switches necessary to set that up?
> > *Way* more power than the equivalent transmitters and TV sets. Even
> > if you add in the cable headends, I suspect.
> Have you heard of multicast? :)

Yes, Tony, but they can't *count the connected users that way*, you see.

For my part, as someone who used to run a small edge network, what I wonder 
is this: is there a multicast repeater daemon of some sort, where I can put
it on my edge, and have it catch any source requested by an inside user and
re-multicast it to my LAN, so that my uplink isn't loaded by multiple 

Or do I need to take the Multicast class again? :-)

-- jra

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